I once scored a FREE French Provincial Lingerie Tall Dresser off a Craigslist curb alert which I used for my nursery. This was before I knew anything about antique furniture but I knew it was something special and refuse to ever part with it for sentimental reasons. So big surprise, it was a highly collectible and you can easily fetch $300 or more when painted- original probably way more. French Provincial furniture is one of the biggest victims in the chalk paint fad. Mine was sadly painted over all white, original top & knobs so maybe can be rehabbed but I honestly have no knowledge in how to do that but would love to learn how one day.
Now nooow , I do like Chalk paint or repainting when it comes to certain things- if it was already ruined or damaged so you just upcycling or bringing back to some kind of life. Or Antique style faux pieces. I am in the middle of experimenting - a chipped, already painted very ornate sconce , a faux antique vanity mirror and already horribly painted yellow (and very rusted) trunk.
A sconce of some sort, it was painted black already when I got it so I added some Agave Chalk to highlight the detailing. My first try at Chalk paint which i enjoyed.
So aside from items that was already been damage by paint, or not exactly antique then I find chalk paint to be lots of fun but my heart is with the rich dark untouched wood from ages ago.
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